The devil is my guardian angel

The devil is my guardian angel

This design is inspired by "Johan Liebert"- a character in a "Monster" anime.

The story revolves around Kenzo Tenma, a Japanese surgeon living in Germany whose life enters turmoil after getting himself involved with Johan Liebert, one of his former patients, who is revealed to be a psychotic serial-killer.

Johan has spent portions of his life in different locations under different aliases, and possesses extraordinary levels of charisma and intelligence. He tends to use his gifts to cruelly manipulate and corrupt others, often with no apparent motive other than to cause chaos and suffering.

On the surface, Johan is a polite, charismatic, and compassionate yet somewhat aloof young man who possesses a myriad of favorable traits and can easily overwhelm individuals with his seemingly flawless nature. This meticulously crafted facade makes it easy for him to make new allies and manipulate them into doing various deeds for him through the influence of his supposed friendship and good will. With such skill in creating this sense of perfection and pureness, Johan hides his true motives with ease.

Many of Johan's beliefs run consistent with nihilism, as he does not see any meaning to life. He claims, "Most of this universe is 'death' anyway," and that to the universe, "most lives are just specks in a corner of the earth, gone in a flash".

"There's nothing special about being born. Not a thing. Most of the universe is just death, nothing more. In this universe of ours, the birth of a new life on some corner of our planet is nothing but a tiny, insignificant flash. Death is a normal thing. So why live?" - Johan

This guy is just the incarnation of a true lust for fascination. He just has no fear or feeling except fascination. For him there is no line drawn between good and evil.

This line perfectly suits on him- "The devil is my guardian angel."

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